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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

SPESIFIKASI Skutik Hibrida Qube 2.0

SPESIFIKASI Skutik Hibrida Qube 2.0
PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia utilizing the Jakarta Fair (PRJ), which opened Thursday (06/10/2010) tomorrow as a platform for promotional as well as displaying skutik concept hybrids, Qube 2.0.

Although not providing the data, based on information various Indian media, skutik who exhibited at the New Delhi Auto Expo earlier this year, using a gasoline engine and electric motor. Concept promoted is less is more.

Explained Similarly, TVS are occupying a booth at the open space also includes a motorcycle sold in Indonesia, among others RockZ 125 cc, 160 cc Apache RTR, and most recently the Neo X3i, 110 cc.

"The presence of TVS is more special this time because we just launched new products, TVS Neo X3i. We also showcase a hybrid concept skutik, Qube 2.0. There is a special promo for PRJ, "explained Darmady Tjuatja, Chief Operating Officer of PT TVS Motor Company Indonesia.

In addition, welcomed the establishment of warning TVS 100 years, also offered special pricing to the Neo X3, the casting wheel USD 11.5 million and the radius of USD 9.99 million (on the road) for the Greater Jakarta area.

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